Our History: The Birth of Shut Up & Write!

Shut Up & Write! holds a special place in the story of Writing Partners, as it was the catalyst that sparked the organization's inception. The roots of Shut Up & Write! can be traced back to the passion and determination of its founder, Rennie Saunders.

Driven by a deep love for writing and a desire to create a supportive community for fellow writers, Rennie recognized the transformative power of setting aside dedicated time for focused writing sessions. In 2007, Rennie took the first step by organizing a small gathering of writers in a local café, inviting them to join in the experience of writing together in silence.

Word quickly spread about these unique sessions, and what began as a small gathering blossomed into a movement. Shut Up & Write! became a beloved platform in 60 countries where writers of all backgrounds and skill levels could come together, share their passion, and nurture their creativity. The emphasis was not on critique or competition, but on the simple act of showing up and dedicating time to the craft.

As Shut Up & Write! gained momentum, its impact became evident. Participants reported increased productivity, a sense of accountability, and the joy of connecting with like-minded individuals who understood the writing journey. These sessions became more than just a space for writing; they became a haven for camaraderie and inspiration.

Recognizing the profound effect of Shut Up & Write!, Rennie saw an opportunity to expand its reach and impact. This led to the birth of Writing Partners, a nonprofit organization built upon the principles of intentional connection and empathy embodied by the Shut Up & Write! community.

Today, Shut Up & Write! stands as the flagship initiative of Writing Partners. It continues to thrive as a community-driven movement, with sessions happening in coffee shops, libraries, and online spaces around the world. Shut Up & Write! sessions provide a sanctuary for writers to find solace, focus, and support within a welcoming community of fellow creatives.

The success and growth of Shut Up & Write! serve as a testament to the power of intentional connections and the value of creative endeavors. Writing Partners is proud to carry forward the legacy of Shut Up & Write!, intertwining its story with the broader mission of fostering creative communities and making a positive impact on the world through intentional connection.

As we reflect on our history, we celebrate the countless writers who have found inspiration, encouragement, and a sense of belonging within the Shut Up & Write! community. Together, we continue to nurture the creative spirit, empower individuals, and build a world where writing and intentional connection flourish.

Make a Donation

Your support is vital in helping us continue our mission of facilitating and cultivating creative communities. Your generosity enables us to expand our initiatives, reach more people, and make a lasting impact. Donate today and be a part of the transformative power of creative endeavors.
